Monday 18 May 2009

Reconstruction, Transitions, Conversion, Metamorphosis, Refinement.

This evening, I had one of those deep conversations with my older sister, cousin and my soon to be new addition to my family, a Canadian! =)
We spoke about general stuff and the subject of me came up. All eyes on me. You know the general askings of:
"So what have you been up to? Tell us any gossip" etc questions.

I'm not one to go too much into my life, but I do when it's right and when I have to. I tend to keep myself to myself recently and I think it's kinda working. Just getting on with life and taking it a day at a time. Taking out my anger and emotions out on this blog.

We spoke about this blog, and I need to change it up.
This blog has been pretty pointless. I mean, seriously, who wants to know what I've been having for lunch at uni, what sweets I eat, and pretty much shit, lazy pictures that I take? No one, and if you do, I'm sorry, but there will be no more.

For the past year, I've put myself out there, and when I say that, I mean doing too much for others and nothing for myself. I waste my time and effort on pointless things and people, when in reality, I could be doing that all for me.

I've been letting crazy opportunities fly right past me and me not even battering a eye lid at it.
I have soooo much laid out in front of me, and all I have to do is show that I want it and prove it! How hard can it be?
Funny thing is, it's not hard. I just need to get on with it!

Speaking to Trinh and Sean about these jobs that have for me and how they want me to do this and that! I want it BAD!
I now want this job with Brent to go to Afghanistan! So Much. It actually depresses me now, thinking about it.
But moving on. The lame blog is done. The real one is here.

Get ready YO!


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