Tuesday, 10 February 2009


Sunday night, my cousin arranged for all the cousins on my mum's side to have a get together at her new flat, as we hadn't done so for such a LOOOONNNNGGG time. It was a chance to catch up and have a look at her new flat!
We all gathered at the flat at about 7pm ish and already, Tieu Ly and Bobby were already at it with the Nintendo Wii.

Bobby is a serious pro on it, and perhaps took the game a bit too seriously! =)

Myanh was up next, and she did pretty well actually. You can see from the look on her face how happy she was with her score!

Hunger striked and we all was pretty hungry. Ordered Dominos online and chilled till the food arrived!

We played a game of poker too, and I think I knocked out 2 or 3 people, but I was heads up anyway with Ben... I hate heads up, as I have no patience and get bored very easily. I went all in with 7, 2. (I know!) and Ben had Queen, Ace! Ha!
Guess who won that hand? Moi! A 7 came on the flop! What a touch!

But then I ended up losing in the end! =(

It was a great night and we ended it on playing Trivial Pursuit! That game is sooo hard. Do not play unless your a serious boffin cos you'll just feel so stupid if you don't get any right!
The night ended past midnight, as people had work or uni to go to the next day!

Definitely again guys!

Chinks say Bye Bye on the stairs! =)

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