Wednesday 11 July 2012

British 10k DONE!!!

Didn't particularly liked this race. I mean, THE AMOUNT OF PEOPLE!!!!
And probably the lack of sleep the night before!
The evening before the race, I had texted Peigh to find out for sure if he was running this, and luckily, he was! He managed to get a space from a random runner tweeting he was unable to run due to injury, so Peigh took his place instead. With the excitement that he was going to run this also, I asked if we could run together. I know Patrick to be a great runner as time has grown, and he is one who has inspired me from the moment he started running!
Arrangements were done, and we agreed we would run together.
Morning came, meet up at 8:15am at the Eros statue. Made our way to the baggage and I asked Peigh if he was gonna run with music, and he said no, so I said that I wouldn't too, so we can leisurely keep each other company with our ever so energetic conversations while running! Now at the baggage bays and we both agreed that we will meet back at the post straight after.........
Errrrrrrrrrrr, he was no where to be seen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Turned around and it was Cory, and a whole lot of others from RDC. I joined forces, but still kept an eye out for Peigh. Time was getting tight, so we all had to make a move to the starting line after a few photo shoots with Instagram. I kept phoning and texting Peigh's phone, but nada!
All I could think of as we walked to Green Park, was shit, we left him and SHIT, I didn't bring my ear phones out deliberately so I could run and talk to Peigh! Annoyed with myself, I even went to extent of looking for a pair of earphones on the floor that perhaps a runner might have dropped!!!! After silently moaning, I just had to think sod it!
A few bullet points to note the beginning of the start.
Heather Small singing Proud
Loads of picture taking with the group.
My first boyfriend was standing literally 3 people's away from me. (I obviously hid!)
Blah blah blah.....
We were off.
We ran back down towards the baggage bays, and I was contemplating whether to stop and swerve to the right to collect!!! After about 40 seconds of umming and arrrring, I took a sharp right and went off track! Ha!!!!
Sprinted to the bays and I rummaged through my bag to find my ear phones!
Walah!!!! Off back I go, and man did it feel better running to Mastadon!
Had that on repeat with get me going!
The beginning was hard, then I found my stride and was enjoying the run.
I hit the 4.5k mark and I was gagging for a wee wee stop. There were portaloos there and I thought, yeah, I'm gonna have a wee. It'll prob make me feel more comfortable and make my running easier! I literally queue for about 30 seconds and I get a tap on my hand and it was Cory saying not to bother as I would be waiting for ages!
He was right, so I was dragged away from the luxurious toilets and carried on running on a full bladder. Cory had paced me for a while, until the fullness of wee had made it really uncomfortable so I told him to go ahead! And boy oh boy was I struggling. I soon forgot about it and running was back on form. The run along the Embankment was the best part. Pouring with rain, flicking water of my eyelashes, and my super wet plaited hair wacking me on the side of my face! Exhilarating I must say!
Big up to the Cheer Dem Crew at the 2k and 7k mark, that was such a help knowing they were there to cheer us on!
Anyway, made it. (sorry, I don't like to bother to go into too much detail, cos its just gonna sound like any other runner blogging about their runs!)

So so happy I made it! Route was cool and weather was a bit, well, shit!

Well done me! And well done crew!!!

Next up: Down Up Tow Path Half Marathon on the 22nd!
Oh god!

Some pictures borrowed from Cory! :)

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