What does one do when feeling a bit bleurgggh! One sits in Tinderbox facing a wall drinking hot chocolate with a raspberry smoothie and eating chocolate cake! I don't even like chocolate! Starring at a blank wall, but canvas I would like to say it and reflecting on what's going on at the mo, painting what I would prefer ones life to be. Shit! One must get out of the hole! It feels fucking lame...
Why is one talking like this?
One needs to shake it off! :)
Everyone seems to be getting engaged and pregnant at the mo, and where I congratulate and share my happiness with them, it only makes me feel just that tad bit lonely! Yes, thanks guys!!!!!!
I've worked hard now, now I wanna play. Summer is here, festivals are coming, annual leave is approaching, my hair is long enough to let it down, so what the fuck am I eating chocolate cake for and reading Glamour, women of the year issue in Tinderbox!!!? Jesus!!!!
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