Saturday, 6 November 2010

Friday, I'm in Love.

Fridays to me use to be the Mondays in my week. Blue Mondays? Nah, more like Fucked up Fridays for moi...

Recently, it has becoming more pleasant! Taking my usual trip down the hospital, that I use to call hospice! Ha!
Anyway, the doctors and nurses stayed the same, but these past few weeks, they have been quite cool. Cool as in that they have known me for quite a while now, and that it seems more friendly than patient/doctor feel roles.

Anyway, I feel much more at ease, and with them being pretty normal and not sympathetic towards me, it feels better. =)
None of that shit bullshit of fake hope and promises. Deep, raw, in your face, bam, that's life attitude.
The harder the better.

My Friday routine is repetitive, but now, I've mastered it so well, I swift through it quickly! Noooiiiccceeee!

Overall, Fridays are becoming more positive!

Bring it orrrnnnnnn! =)

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