Monday, 26 April 2010


It hit me today, suddenly, in bed, his bed, while he goes to work, that, Gabe is the best thing that has happened to me in a long time....

The time I was going through radio theraphy to thinking this is the end and nothing good will come out of the situation I was in, to me starting a new work place and accidently falling for someone I didn't even fancy in the beginning! (he already knows that I didn't fancy him! Ha!)

Starting somewhere new with loads of new people, to learning new things and experiencing new things. Gabe is that!

He's new, he's different, he's foreign! ;) he's funny, he's intelligent and most of all, he's direct and himself!

You don't come across people like him often!
Word on the vine when I first started my job was that, ooohhhh Gabe, he's a womaniser or so etc... Yeah obviously that put me off, but also at the same time made me pay more attention. Seeking to find what the big deal was about him???!!!

I called him Scary Starer. That was his name for me to tweet and talk about him without mentioning his real name. It was fun, it was a laugh, it was hella scary!!! The deep stares I would get when waiting by the toilet as he was approaching to it too, the stares I would get when at a work gathering and him wanting to talk to me, just everything, scary...

It turnt into inticing stares after a while and I soon thought,
"ok, why not!" ;)

He was someone I didn't know, he was someone totally new, he was out of the circle, he was on point!

I now sit up in his bed, in his empty flat while he goes and makes the money, ha!, and I realise how much this boy cares for me.
He may not have the beat taste in curtains, but damn, is he just like the best thing ever!!!!

I stress myself out when knowing I don't have to and shouldn't, because I have loved ones who are always there for me.
Causing drama when really, I don't have to. Just giving it time to think about and go over to remembering it was the past. To seize this current day and enjoying every moment of it.
Having amazing friends like Ruth, Kizzi, Alex, Greg, Joshua and Ago are amazing enough, but having a boyfriend who feels the same way is a double whammy! I'm on cloud 9!
It's too much excitement and happiness to take in! :)

He makes me forget about the sticky situation that I'm in. He makes me feel alive when deep down, realisitically, shit could happen anytime soon. He makes me feel like the happiest girl in the world...

Some may ask, why blog such personal information for the www. But it's my blank space to write what I want and share my thoughts and feelings with you. Bit cringing you may say, but fear not, I plan to input some hard core stuff too!

Keep a personal day to day diary? I do, and it's the best thing ever...

Balancing work, friends, relationships, uni work and your own time is stressful, but Gabe makes it so easy!

He makes me feel like I'm a kid again... =D

This is Gabe playing with his Venus fly trap. He fed it a lady bird! Awwwwww!

I have no quarms with life at the moment, well maybe just my ovaries, but hey, I'm loving it!!!

P.S This is so cringing, but I miss Gabe! (and I only saw him like 5 hours ago!)


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