Monday 19 October 2009


Yep, it's finally here. The Turnover, and it feels bloody great!

It's been awhile since one has been happy and content with how life is going at the mo. Although Mal who teaches me on Monday mornings wouldn't quite agree so, with my absence at his lessons! C'mon now, 9am Monday starts! Haha!

But back to me being high. Yes, I am there and it's a true landmark! I have no complaints! I am content, I am happy, I am moving forward, meeting new people and experiencing new things. I am getting on with my uni work and my artistic side is coming through. THE LIGHT HAS SWITCHED ON! YES!

It's been a great week!

p.s Finally got my hair cut, as my last hair cut was in March! Ekkk! Thanks Daniel! x

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