Tuesday 18 August 2009

Just A Little Bit Of Good News!

Monday come, 5:30pm appointment of my usual 6 weeks assessment...
"Miss My-Ha Lang, your in the clear!"

I can't remember the last time I cried just bam, there, boom, on the stop! Floods of tears came pouring down, my voice trembling as if I was held at gunpoint and too scared or speechless to talk. This was all good of course. How great could my week be going!

Slightly over the moon, yaknow!
Champs tonight? Aha...
My ovaries are ok now, so how about let's destroy my liver instead!?? =P
Cider and Blackcurrant is something else!

Ahhhh, I'm overly pleased!
Bisous xxx


Sweetpea said...

YAY! So pleased for you!! BIG huge whopping massive weight off your mind... x

The Colour Technician said...

Thanks Erin! xxxx
=)))))))) The fattest grin!