Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Berlin Half Marathon

So the training has been done. (Ish) and I am set to run the berlin half this Sunday. To say I am nervous is an understatement! I've ran over 10 half marathons but this one is one I am shitting about. 
I've been aiming for a sub 2 for a while now, and considering berlin is flat, this was the race I wanted to get this time for! Perhaps I'm putting way too much pressure on myself, as really, it's just a race, but it's been looming now over my running life! 
Flights (with germanwings!!!!!!) has been booked and accom sorted. Dougie being ace as always on the itinerary so I don't have to think about where to eat and stuff. Amazing! But the nerves for Sunday are already giving me butterflies. 
Gonna go in with that, I don't wanna run mentality, as I seem to run better like that. Hmmmmmmm

Typing what I'm thinking here! 

Since I last saw you...

Since my last real post in February last year, (Tokyo marathon) what has happened since?

Well, broke up with a current bf in June. It was time really when I think about it. 
July and August was serious work decision time as I was on the verge of leaving Saco, but I didn't! 
September was OMG, the Berlin Marathon and fucking hell was that an awful race! I finished, but as a cripple! I have beef with that one!
October was madness of salon international. I survived!
November was meh.
December I spent in Moscow. Spent time in London then went to Washington DC for Xmas! That was cool! Loved that!
New year was at Fodz house with fellow runners. Typical.
February was a lonely valentines, but I had my Monty so it was all good.
March, I went to Paris. Didn't run, but cheered and has to be up there with some of the fun BTG events I've been to!
This weekend, I go back to Berlin to run the half marathon. Oh boy! 

It's been a shit few months tbh. Could be better. 

I'm bored. Need some excitement! :-/

Wednesday, 11 March 2015

2015.... And that.

Wow, it's been an age. Thought I keep this blog going cod it was lightly mentioned when I was in Paris on the weekend and a friend said about reading something from it. Sparked a few things and here I am! This blog goes wayyyyyy back, with some serious issues and dilemmas in my life. It would've been a shame to just scrap it and keep a tumblr full of boring pictures! 

I'll be writing more shit soon. 
Stay blogged! X