Thursday, 23 May 2013

We Own the Night

Last Saturday I got involved in a Nike Womens only running event called We Own the Night. It was a 10k race based in East London's loveliest parks, Victoria Park. Being a OG Hackney resident and the park being pretty local, it would've been rude not to get involved and run it.

We Own the Night was a race aimed for the ladies, although men could sign up if they reallllllly reallllllly wanted to.
It was announced for months that this was happening. A lot of the girls at RDC signed up immediately knowing we could all run it together, and the idea of it being a 10k with a run with your girls and only girls seemed like a go!
I was currently in my marathon training, so the 10k worked perfectly with my training runs.
Before race day, you had to go to Nike Town to collect your race pack. This included, your race tshirt which was bright fluorescent orange! A Henry Holland tote bag and your timing chip and a lovely pink bracelet for, just cos?

From reading about the race, I knew there wouldn't be any medals come Finish Line.
I didn't mind this to be honest, as the bracelet was something I could wear ALL the time.

As I was training for a marathon, I didn't set a side a training plan for this 10k. I had done a few before, so for me this race was merely to enjoy it, for my marathon training and the fact that Nike always do such great races!

As customary, I always lay out my race kit and photograph it for twitter and Instagram! Ha! This included my cat Monty who is such a great supporter by the way!

Race day!
The race started at 8pm, so people started getting the Victoria park at 6pm to soak up the atmosphere and be amongst super siked women. Special guest included Paula Radcliffe and Perri Shakes Drayton. A special someone told me Paula Radcliffe was going to run the race, so this got me extra excited!

Upon arrival, the music was blaring, girls were in their groups, smiling and taking it all in. It seemed very relaxed and everyone looked happy to be there.
When you entered the event village you were asked whether you were just going to enjoy the race, go for a PB for race it to win it. There were 3 different coloured bands you could wear. I opted going for a PB, even though I wasn't. I guess I'm just always in competition with myself.

Bag dropped, toilet done, which by the way, was great. So many portaloos made the festival toilet experience pleasant!

Paula and Perri had given a small talk to everyone on stage, and soon after that was warm up time!

This is the time where I feel ridiculously stupid, but in the environment that I was in, being with all the ladies, I did not feel stupid at all, in fact it was great fun, and everyone was getting involved in the warm up.

GPRS watch set, iPod playlist set, we were sent to our pens, or area I should say. The orange PB area was rammed!!!!! Absolutely packed! Felt pretty normal if you asked me.

Of course the people who opted to race the race set off first, then us, the the pink runners. The race course was two laps of the park. I hate laps!

It was still light when we all started running, and the glow of orange tshirt a made the park looked amazing. As you looked to your side along the route, you can see a stream of orange tshirt a ahead and it did look awesome!

The race course was lit with giant sphere glow balls which had kilometre markers on them also. This provided great lighting the park and welcomed the night in nicely.

Running the 10k was fine for me. I was only annoyed at the fact that I couldn't go faster as I didn't want to cause any injuries as I had my first marathon the week after. Marathon training really does slow you down by the way!

We had cheer dem crew out in full force at kilometre 4 and 8, and throughout the whole route, there were supporters from husbands, boyfriends and friends! It was full on!
Overall, I enjoyed my race, and I kept a steady pace the whole way round.
As you past the finish line, you were headed your finishers bracelet, water, glow sticks and presseco.

The presseco were a great treat! Although I don't drink, I could tell everyone was enjoying them!

I didn't waste anytime collecting my bag, and oh my, those bag drop guys were in full force and were on it like Sonic when it came to getting those bag numbers! Great organisation!

We partied until we had to be kicked out, and all RDC and I sure enjoyed the race. Every lady I had asked about them heir race, said they enjoyed it very much.

Not to be biased, but I actually really enjoyed it. Even though it was laps, I think the fact that I was running in the evening made such a big difference. In a sense where I didn't really know where I was going. It's definitely not the best race to get a PB due to the crowds, but it certainly isn't the last Womens race.... I hope!

A fantastic race yet again organised by Nike!

Edinburgh Marathon in 3 days!